A Letter from Conor Kelly, Editor in Chief

A Letter from Conor Kelly, Editor in Chief

Conor Kelly, Editor in Chief

My 6 years at ERHS have been jam packed full of events, clubs, sports, you name it. Any time I am asked to give advice to underclassmen I always say GET INVOLVED!!! There is so much opportunity in this small school and there really is something for everyone. I truly found my calling on the track and in the band room. After trying almost everything this school has to offer I fell in love with music and running. I would urge any student to try these as well for many reasons. 

Being involved in the musical is always so much fun, from the jokes, silly lines, long nights, it’s just the best. Music can bring people together under any circumstances and that’s why I enjoy it so much. I’ve had opportunities to learn more than one instrument which is so cool, because I can play whatever the piece of music calls for. Putting together music for Rock Rivalry is always exciting because you’re getting to play songs you probably grew up singing, and putting your own creative twist on it. I even learned flute just for a number in Rock Rivalry and it felt so good to know my hard work paid off.

I also have so much fun running track and cross country. The atmosphere is so fun and supportive so everyone makes friends very quickly. When I started on these teams I had older students show me what it really meant to be a leader on the team, and I have strived to do that for the younger kids on the team now. We all lift each other up and that was what brought me to breaking a school record! It was also so exciting to know that my hard work paid off yet again.

What I really want to get at is that nobody should ever feel like there isn’t anything for them, because there absolutely is. And being in such a small school you never go unnoticed. I’m glad that my legacy at this school will have been my hard work in and out of the classroom, and I hope that every student after me finds something for them as well.