“Happy Birthday to Me….I Guess?”

On the pain of having a December birthday…


Madelyn Miel, Staff Writer

Was there a time when life got busy and people didn’t make your birthday a big deal?? It’s disappointing, right? Trust me, I know how it feels every single year. As a December baby, I have long suffered from this tragic birthday neglect. My birthday usually falls during the last week of school before break or the very start of the break. During this glorious year of 2020, it falls on the last day of school before winter break, which is a Friday, December 18th. During this time, everyone is so excited for the holidays and is in the Christmas spirit, especially on the last day of school before a major break. With holiday concerts, big family get-togethers, and last-minute shopping flooding peoples’ minds, my birthday gets overlooked by others, besides my family and close friends. Thankfully, everyone in my family except my Dad has a birthday near a holiday, and so my family understands my pain as my birthday is a week before Christmas.

However, not everyone is as thoughtful as my equally birthday unfortunate family members. ALWAYS, without fail, teachers assign tests that last week before a major break. They say they want to wrap up a unit before students leave for a few weeks of rest, and while I get it, I still suffer. This means I have to study on my birthday or have the test on the day of my birthday. Yay me.

There’s also the group of people who try to tie in my birthday presents with holiday presents. Nothing says “You’re special and your birth is something to be celebrated!” than a present wrapped in Rudolph paper or a card that says “Happy Holidays” with “Holidays” hastily crossed out and “Birthday” scrawled below in sharpie.

Thankfully, without fail, my friends understand this and they always make my birthday feel special along with my family. They make sure to always provide separate gifts and a decorated locker. Those little things do matter as I never really had a birthday party. Yes, I have had birthday dinners with my family where I bring 2-3 friends, but not a real actual birthday party, ya know? I’ve tried to have one and no one attended. Why you may ask? Because everyone was too busy with the holidays! Such a pity party, am I right?

With all of this in mind, what does matter to me and what I truly do care about is that my friends and family always remember and make me feel better on my special day. These are people I value the most, especially this year with the craziness of 2020. And with everyone bummed that they haven’t been able to celebrate their birthday like they normally would, I am not really affected by this as I never make a huge deal and don’t do much for mine.

So this year, I’ll probably just stay home, turn on Netflix, and enjoy the fact that break is off to a good start. Happy birthday to me!