Stranger Things



Stranger Things

Anya Vizza, Guest Writer

The show Stranger Things is very entertaining and dramatic. The show has 4 seasons and can be watched on Netflix. Season 1 is about the disappearance of a boy named Will and the investigation surrounding the disappearance. The following seasons unfold from there. 

Don’t want to give any spoiler alerts to those who haven’t seen the show. 

There were so many exciting and attention-grabbing parts of the series, that I just wanted to watch it over and over again. My interest kept growing with each episode. The show starts with friends Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin. Will vanished when he raced Dustin home on their bikes. The other boys went to look for him and they came upon another character named Eleven in the woods. The boys were shocked to see another person in the woods. Eleven was involved with bad people from a lab. The lab took her from her mother when she was a baby. Eleven’s mother was brainwashed when she tried to take Eleven back. Eleven was raised in the lab, she got powers from the lab after she was taken from her mother and escaped later on. When the boys encountered Eleven their immediate impression was that she was weird.      

 My favorite part was when Mike was looking for Eleven in Hawkins Middle School after she hid in the classroom. She was hiding because the lab was looking for her. This shows how much Mike cared for Eleven even though his friends didn’t want her around anymore. Even though Eleven was a little different from others, Mike still liked Eleven for who she was. That shouldn’t give anyone else the right to push her away and bully her to make her feel any more different. If they bully her and push her away, she will feel more of an outsider. Their friend group eventually warmed up to her and started hanging out with her more to make her feel included. Her powers were useful for different situations but she had to be careful so nobody would see her because they could report her to the police and she can go back to the lab. I think that students should watch this show because you can learn a lot about inclusivity and differences in other people. Even though Eleven was different with powers, Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas decided that difference is good and Eleven can be cool to have as a friend. I don’t think some students would like the bloody and scary parts but overall I think students would enjoy watching the show.