“A Freshman Perspective: Embracing Change”

A Freshman Perspective: Embracing Change

Stephanie Lynch, Staff Writer

I still remember seeing Rock Rivalry for the first time.  I was in sixth grade and went to see the big show with my mom.  When we got there, I was so excited for the whole production; as soon as I saw my friends, I sat with them after the freshmen class took the stage.  The murals and stands looked amazing, but my favorite part was the Entrance.  Every single Entrance was different and every single performer in the various shows was fantastic–their costumes were intricate, their dance moves perfectly in sync, and their voices booming from the stage. Ever since that moment, I have dreamed of entering high school and participating in this timeless tradition. As an eighth-grader, I would say to myself, “Next year will be amazing! Just one more year!” 

And then Covid-19 hit. And all of my plans for my high school years seemed to shift, to devolve, to collapse. Suddenly, my typical high school experience was going to morph into a watered-down, socially distanced shadow of a time period.

You see, it wasn’t just Rock Rivalry that I was excited for–I envisioned so many memories. According to my sisters and friends, high school may be hard, but there are so many new opportunities to embark on. For example, you can participate in different courses based on your interests and sports get more competitive. There is also the focus on the big picture: graduating and going off to college or starting a career. New clubs are offered as well.  I even remember attending the curriculum fair as a middle schooler: everything looked interesting. My parents also found the variety of classes to be outstanding, especially when they were mostly about college or preparing for college.  

Sadly, this ninth grade year hasn’t been all I’ve hoped for.

I could still join many clubs, but it is not the same. There are fewer meetings, fewer opportunities, and overall less interaction. And as for Rock Rivalry, the latest update is that volleyball IS going to happen, but with only a few students from each grade participating. There will be no one else attending except the people participating, which is understandable considering health rules, but it will still lessen the excitement. Additionally, there will be a quiz bowl, an art interpretation element, and hallway decorating. There will be a modified Entrance for each grade level, but they will be on video. These differences will certainly shape and impact the freshman view of Rock Rivalry, for better or worse, and it will be up to us to make the best of it. As a 9th grader, I will have to let go of the memories and visions of the past and learn to accept and embrace the changes of the future. This year may be different, but change only gives new opportunities.