“Celebrating Gratitude Despite Covid”


Sydney Rodriguez, Vice President, Staff Writer

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it is important to reflect upon the things that we are thankful for. However, in the midst of everything going on in the world, things haven’t really been happening in our favor. I mean, let’s face it, life isn’t exactly the way we hoped it would still be like now. We still go into grocery stores with the potential threat of catching this notorious virus. We are still encouraged to be confined at home as much as possible. We still can’t go to the movies, concerts, and do the things that were normal just nine months ago. With all of this in mind, it makes me wonder; when will this all finally come to an end? Or worse, will it be like this forever? I hate to say it, but life definitely won’t be the way it was before. 

I know it’s not just me, but all of this has really taken a toll on my life. It’s difficult not to be overwhelmed and anxious in times like this. And with these thoughts, you may wonder, what can I even be thankful for this year? Though it may be hard to come across good things that have happened to us this year, I think this pandemic has taught us more than ever to not take the little things for granted anymore. We should apply this to this Thanksgiving season and remember to appreciate the little things right now too!

Here are some things I am thankful for during Covid-19:

  • The opportunity of going to school in person some days/hybrid learning
  • Having a roof over my head
  • Sport intramurals 
  • Family and Friends
  • My birthday in 2 weeks
  • Christmas in a month
  • Most importantly, my health!

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season during Covid-19? Feel free to comment below!