Everyone wants to look younger and feel the way they did when they were in their teens. But when it comes to actually looking younger, many companies are selling half truths. They are claiming that their products will make you look younger or remove your wrinkles, but in reality, all you are buying is an expensive face cream that, half of the time, doesn’t even hydrate your face. For quite a long time, people have assumed that the only real fixes to wrinkles and looking younger are Botox and expensive surgeries…or so we thought.
As you get older, certain pieces of your genetic code are flipped or changed. While this doesn’t mean you are going to wake up one day and suddenly have purple eyes, it does mean that your cells become modified as you get older. However, there is a new experimental process that might be able to undo these modifications and changes and return these cells back to how they were when you were younger.
Scientists at Kyoto University in Japan discovered four proteins that when come in contact with human skin cells, caused the cell to turn back into a younger cell. The scientists began experimenting on different types and ages of cells to see how they would react to the proteins. They found a common occurrence between the cells, which was that they were getting younger. They even took skin cells from a 101 year old and were able to make them look as if they never aged. They performed another experiment on sick mice who were given a lethal dose of painkiller as well as the four proteins. The mice ended up surviving this experiment proving that the treatment works. The only way for the sick mice to have survived were for the mice to become healthy and young again.
While the treatment is currently only being testing on animals, it is not far off from being ready for human experimentation. But like anything beauty and health related, it’s important to take caution. Even if the treatment does get approved and begins testing on humans, there’s no telling what the long-term effects of having an experiment like this could be. Do you think it’s worth it to take your chances all just to look a little bit younger?