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The East Rockaway Gull

The East Rockaway Gull


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Ten Fun Weekend Activities to do this Spring

Ten Fun Weekend Activities to do this Spring

Students and teachers alike always looks forward to spring weather and Memorial Day weekend because they mean that summer is almost here. While it’s nice to have longer weekends off and more sunlight during the day to go outside,  sometimes you can still find yourself bored and in need of a fun idea! So here are 10 things you can do over the next few weeks that will make memories that will last forever!

  • Go to the beach and have a beach day: We all know that spring sometimes brings drastic changes in the weather from day to day. But in the event you get a hot day, pack a beach bag, go and grab some Starbucks, and head to the beach. You can enjoy the nice ocean view, the hot and bright sun, blasting music, and, of course, the acai bowls from the boardwalk. 
  • Go to a game: There is nothing better than getting ready with your friends and hopping on the train to some kind of sporting event. With baseball season in full swing, there are many games you can attend. For East Rockaway fans, the most popular game to attend is definitely a New York Mets baseball game. 
  • Binge watch a show: On a rainy day you can gather a group of friends, get a bunch of snacks and blankets, hop on the couch, turn on Netflix, and find a show to watch in just a couple of hours. Trust me, it’s one of the best rainy day activities you will ever have. 
  • Try out a new restaurant: If you and your friends like trying out new foods or just want a place to go and eat, I would 100% recommend you look up restaurants in your area and go and try it out. You could even make a mini little food review video that you can have for memories. 
  • Go on a bike ride: Nothing is better than taking your bike and going around the town with your friends. Just getting out of the house and going to explore and go to new places is honestly a great way to spend your day and to get some exercise.
  • Try something out of your comfort zone: If you and your friends are the adventurous type, I would try and find something none of you guys have ever done before and go and experience it together. This makes long lasting memories. 
  • Go to an arcade: Going to an arcade with a big group of friends can really be an interesting and fun experience. Between playing against each other in different games and the adrenaline rush playing the claw machine, arcades truly are a great time and a nostalgic throwback to childhood.
  • Go on a little vacation: Pack a bag and take an overnight road trip to anywhere and stay in a hotel. Run up and down the floors, go in the hotel pool, and explore around the town. 
  • Make friendship bracelets: There is no better feeling than sitting down with your closest friends blasting music and gossiping while making matching bracelets that will last a lifetime.
  • Watch the sunset/sunrise: This is truly my number one favorite thing to do with my friends over break. Laying a towel in the nice, comfy sand and watching the sky is a beautiful thing. It is also an amazing place to take pictures with your friends.
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About the Contributor
Zoe Cerna
Zoe Cerna, Student Writer
Zoe Cerna is a sophomore this year and an active member of The Gull. This is her second year writing for The Gull newspaper. She loves cheerleading, reading, the show Riverdale, and spending time with family and friends. She is a very determined person about all aspects of life.

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