The Naturals is a young adult series written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The series is composed of four books. The first book, titled The Naturals, was published in 2013. Barnes is a successful author. Along with The Naturals series, she has gained a lot of popularity from The Inheritance Games series.
The Naturals follows seventeen-year-old Cassie Hobbes. She has a natural ability to read people. Cassie can piece together someone’s life just by looking at them. It’s a skill she hasn’t taken seriously. Until the FBI located and contacted her. They want her talent to be used in an elite FBI program for teenagers who have natural crime-solving abilities, which are then used to crack cold cases. She’s sent to live with the teenagers, all not who they seem to be. When a new killer strikes, danger looms closer. The Naturals are going to have to use their gifts to survive.
This book is fast-paced with short chapters making it very easy to fly through. I enjoyed trying to piece together who the killer was with the information given. The Naturals kept me on the edge of my seat. The ending also had lots of twists and turns. It was an enjoyable and fast read. The characters were interesting and I loved the interactions between characters. I highly recommend and I can’t wait to finish this series.