Senior Spotlight: Julia Walsh

March 20, 2023
Meet Julia Walsh, member of the Class of 2023 and the recently named Salutatorian. As the last of three Walsh’s to graduate from ERHS, Julia has made a profound impact on the ERHS community over the last six years. Serving as the overall RR chairperson for three years, Julia has helped guide the Class of 2023 through a third place overall finish and first place entrance sophomore year, a second place overall and entrance finish Junior year (trailing by just 3 points), and our most recent first place overall and entrance win this past month. On the athletics side, JWalsh served as co-captain of the Girls Varsity Volleyball team earlier this school year and led them to the county finals. She was named All State and All County for her accomplishments. Additionally, as president of the student council, Julia ensures that every student at ERHS is represented and advocated for, and she continues to help make effective change at our school in her last few months before graduating. We’re so excited to see what’s in store for Julia!
Get to know a little more about her! Here are some of her responses to questions about her high school career and post-graduation plans:
What has been your favorite class?
“AP Calc with Mrs. Mignella.”
I would not have gotten through high school without…
“…Dunkin and test corrections.”
What people at ERHS have had the most positive/greatest impact on your life?
“My close friends, as well as Gerken and Tess, who are always helping as our advisors.”
Funniest memory throughout all of HS that you can think of:
“When Joe the athletic trainer called me out for my fake tan when he was taping my fingers.”
What is something you will truly miss at ERHS after you graduate?
“Knowing everyone when I walk through the halls.”
If you could give one piece of advice to the underclassmen, what would it be?
“Don’t stress too much, you’ll look back and realize it wasn’t that deep. Also, stick with your friends, you’ll need them to get through the hard times.”
If you could pick one song to define your senior year, what would it be?
“Run this Town by Rihanna.”
Funniest Memory with a Teacher:
“When Gerken and I went outside in the middle of the night looking for rocks because we needed them for stand.
Honorable mention: debriefing the Bachelor each week with Mr. Valentino.”
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
“I’m very proud of being salutatorian and my All State award for volleyball.”
What is the most unforgettable/memorable assignment you’ve done in high school?
“It wasn’t my project, but Sanzo’s project in Niña’s class where he reenacted the Tortoise and the Hare while narrating over the video in Spanish. It is still the funniest video ever, I won’t forget it.”