Check out the East Rockaway SAT Courses!
March 8, 2023
East Rockaway High School offers two different SAT programs. Students can take the class during the school day or after school. I decided to take advantage of both classes. The after school class is taught by English teacher Ms. Famighetti and math teacher Ms. Biaggi. The in-school classes are taught by English teacher, Ms. Bloomfield and Ms. Biaggi for math. These classes have been helpful in providing me with resources for how to study for the SAT exam. The classes use the program Methodize, which you can find using Clever. I started using Khan Academy on my own. They are both free resources that provide different units with lessons and practice tests.
I prefer taking the SAT classes during school, because for me, it’s easier to pay attention. After school, I am tired and don’t want to do any work. Also, the class atmosphere is sometimes different during school compared to after school. I find that I am a little less focused in the after school class. It’s more challenging for me to do the practice questions. However, I have benefitted from the classes. For example, I have learned several new tricks on how to tackle math problems. The teachers go over questions with the class and offer explanations. I also like that the class can be personalized. Sometimes I am on a different unit than another student in the class. The school offers the classes to both 10th and 11th graders. The first session is from 3-4 PM and the second session is from 4-5 PM. Students in grades 10 and 11 alternate between math and English.
During school, I like how the class is a smaller group. It is easier for all of us to talk and go over answers. In SAT English, we have started working on our college essays. This is helpful because it is nice to be able to ask questions and ask peers about what they are writing. Ms. Bloomfield is nice and goes over problems with the class. She also gives us time to do work independently, which I enjoy. I am able focus on the subjects in which I mostly struggle. In the SAT math class, our Do Now question helps us start off the period and then we work on various units. I do like being able to talk to those around me and work at my own pace. Ms. Biaggi is nice and is super helpful. She walks you through any questions.
In my opinion, these classes are worth taking because they help expose you to SAT questions and students can see how challenging they are. You can see where you are struggling and the teachers will help explain it to you. It is also a good to talk amongst your peers and hear their questions. As far as programs, I prefer using Khan Academy over Methodize because it gives you variety of questions. If you go back to redo lessons, they aren’t the same questions. They both give helpful explanations and videos, practice tests, and a bunch of different units to review.