Senior Events: May & June 2022

May 3, 2022
As we are approaching the end of the school year, the Senior class has many events to look forward to!
Decision Day Celebration, May 5th — The Class of 2022 is asked to wear attire associated with their upcoming enrollment, employment, or enlistment. A group photo will be taken after dismissal at 3 PM in front of the school. Staff members may also participate by wearing college or career attire. The goal is to celebrate the senior class and their post-secondary plans!
Light Up the Night Fundraiser — Buy a paper lantern to support the senior class! The sale will take place on Tuesday, May 10th, from 3:00 to 4:00, and on May 11th from 3:00 to 4:00 and 6:30 to 7:30 at the ERHS front oval. Families of seniors and community members are asked to display their lanterns on Thursday, May 19th (Rain date: Friday, May 20th). The pricing is as follows: $1 for 3, 2 for $5 and 4 for $10. Let’s light up the night in honor of the seniors!
Senior Day, May 26th — On Senior Day, seniors have the opportunity to shadow a teacher of their choice for the day. Seniors must write a short paragraph explaining why they would like to be the teacher they are selecting. Paragraphs are due on Monday, May 16th. You must submit the paragraph on Google Classroom. Academic eligibility is required to participate.
Six Flags Trip, June 10th — Seniors were asked to fill out a google form expressing interest in the trip. Cost of the trip is currently TBD. Information will be posted on the Senior Google Classroom page. Academic eligibility is required to attend.
Elementary School Walk-Through, June 21st, 9 AM — Seniors will have the chance to walk through their former elementary school in their cap and gown.
Prom, June 23rd
Graduation, June 24th
More information on all events will be coming soon. Seniors can stay informed on all these exciting events by checking their Google Classroom frequently.