A Review of WandaVision

March 2, 2021
*There are some slight spoilers in this article*
For those of you who don’t know, Disney+ has created a new mini series called WandaVision. It takes place after the events of Endgame and is a sitcom series. Each episode is based on a different decade of sitcoms. So far we have had the 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s. This show is about Wanda and Vision just trying to live normal lives in the small, quiet neighborhood of West View. But there’s something far more sinister going on underneath.
The mini series will come to a close on March 5 when the show reaches the present decade. But I must say that the theme songs are quite bangers. So today I am here to rank the theme songs for each WandaVision episode so far.
8: Episode 8: Previously on.. This episode was one of the episodes that had no theme song. It did have the classic Marvel intro which I like. This episode wasn’t really a sitcom, but was more of answering questions like who is Wanda, how did she make the hex, and how did she bring Vision back to life.
7: Episode 4: We interrupt this program. This episode did not have a theme song. This episode was created to show what was happening outside the sitcom in Westerberg. There may not have been a theme song, but this episode is one of the best ones in the series so far.
6: Episode 7: Breaking the fourth wall. The 2000’s. The song has no words, but it does have a pleasant tune. This song is a play off The Office. The episode was as well. Very creative Disney.
5: Episode 5: On a very special episode. The 80’s. It is a beautiful song, but it is very slow and not as fun as the others. It doesn’t get me hyped for the episode and this one was a big turning point in the series. The intro doesn’t live up to the episode.
4: Episode 1: Filmed in front of a live studio audience. The 50s. It is very simple and wholesome. It was the first thing we heard in this whole season and gave a great first impression. It had great rhymes and harmonies and a fun beat. It was a great way to start off a new good series on Disney +.
3: Episode 6: All new Halloween Spooktackular. The 90s. It is a very upbeat theme song. Very fun. It’s giving me suite life on deck vibes. The only bad thing is the voice is very auto tuned and kind of annoying. I like it a lot, but it does not please my sister when I re-watch this episode.
2:Episode 3: Now in color. The 70s. This is a very simple song. It’s slower but it is also fun and upbeat. There are some great harmonies which are very pleasing to my ears and it is very catchy. It’s a very wholesome theme song.
1: Episode 2: Don’t touch that dial. The 60’s. In the number one spot we have is the 60’s. It is a short little jingle but it is so upbeat and catchy that you can’t get it out of your head. I’ll be sitting on my phone and realize I’m singing “Wanda Vision Wa Wanda Vision”. It’s so fun and I love it. You know, It’s the simple things in life.
All of theme songs are good and go along with their episodes nicely. Some are better than others in my opinion. But the show is great. I have been watching it since week one and it is so good. It has a lot of returning characters from the Marvel universe and a very interesting plot. All in all, it’s a 10 out of 10. But I think that everyone can agree that the best song in the show is Agatha All Along from the end of episode 7.
“Who’s been messing up everything?
It’s been Agatha all along
Who’s been pulling every evil string?
It’s been Agatha all along
She’s insidious (Ha, ha!)
So perfidious
That you haven’t even noticed
And the pity is (The pity is)
Pity, pity, pity, pity
It’s too late to fix anything
Now that everything has gone wrong
Thanks to Agatha (Ha!)
Naughty Agatha
It’s been Agatha all along
And I killed Sparky too!”
Lyrics from Genius.com.
Show by Disney on Disney +
Madeleine Prucha • Mar 7, 2021 at 8:57 pm
live love Wandvision
Gabriella Baccari • Mar 4, 2021 at 2:54 pm
This is my absolute favorite show!!!! I enjoyed reading this so much and Agatha’s song has been stuck in my head all week! 🙂